• Posts by Patrick S. Griffin

    Patrick has practiced in varying areas of intellectual property, with a current focus on patent application writing and patent prosecution. He is particularly experienced in freedom to operate opinions, as well as strategic ...

Make Your Invention The Priority, What Track-1 Can Do For You!

Congratulations! You are ready to file a United States (U.S.) non-provisional patent application for your invention. This is a major milestone for any startup. But what comes next? Is it just a waiting game? Well ... maybe not.

A challenge with the standard patent process is that U.S. non-provisional patent applications are subject to the overburdened queues of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). USPTO statistics for an application show that the Traditional Total Pendency is 26.1 months to 42.9 months. (See Pendency Statistics USPTO from July of 2024). This means that ... Read More ›

Posted in: Patents, Startups



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