Licensing and Monetization


All intellectual property portfolios have value. Determining that value is often challenging. Identifying assets in existing portfolios can lead to new sources of revenue through licensing. Our attorneys guide clients through all phases of the licensing process, beginning with identifying key patents of interest, through negotiating and crafting of the terms of the licensing agreement.

Our professionals have the technical backgrounds to be able to mine patent portfolios for valuable assets relating to particular products, companies, and industry standards. Once key patents are identified, our attorneys support our clients with periodic reviews of patent portfolios and in order to implement strategic prosecution protocols. Our professionals prepare comprehensive claim charts that demonstrate infringement of the patents as well as materials to support licensing discussions. From there, we assist in licensing negotiations and litigation so that you realize the value of your portfolio.

Our track record is proven with the receipt of $2 billion in licensing alone. Our strong technical backgrounds ensure that we understand your technology. We also closely follow many different markets. This allows us to provide our client with guidance regarding the nature of revenue generation in computer technology, electrical components, technology transfer, and many other high-tech areas.

When working on behalf of licensors, we develop deals that generate revenue and ensure the highest levels of protection for brands and reputation possible. On behalf of licensees, we aim to provide flexible operational options and maintain your ownership of the technology. Our attorneys are able to provide sophisticated business, intellectual property and legal counsel to ensure that any deal struck is structured to succeed. We also enforce intellectual property rights through litigation when a deal cannot be reached.

Volpe Koenig provides the full range of patent licensing services such as:

  • Developing and negotiating licensing and transfer agreements
  • Developing licensing agreements regarding patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets
  • Securing IP rights from inventors and developers
  • Negotiating non-disclosure agreements
  • Analyzing licensing aspects of business transactions


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